Shop talk about Sierra’s latest BTP innovations
January 2024
BTP Data Readiness
Made Simple

The InFocus SAP Datasphere Readiness Assessment, crafted to enable rapid BTP readiness, is a solution co-offered by SAP and its global partner, Sierra Digital. Unlike conventional BW assessments which are limited to analysis of a system's BW artifacts, InFocus assesses standard/custom SAP BW objects, plus BW Bridge limitation--and its usage across the enterprise. Such expanded scope enables the user to produce precise, bespoke artifacts, significantly enhancing the ability to scope transition to SAP Datasphere, assuring heightened efficiency, and optimizing outcomes.
How InFocus Aids BW to Datasphere Migration
- Promotes understanding of the current state of SAP BW System, including data models, complexity, usage, and frequency
- Identifies gaps and/or inconsistencies in the SAP BW System that need to be addressed before migrating to SAP Datasphere
- Identifies SAP BW Objects that are not compatible with BW Bridge Migration and need to be redesigned or migrated using a different method
- Results in a migration plan that outlines the steps needed to successfully migrate SAP BW System to SAP Datasphere
- Recommends retirement of obsolete objects from existing environment
- Identifies SAP BW processes that need to be modernized or automated to run more efficiently in SAP Datasphere
- Calculates rough cost and resource estimate required to migrate SAP BW System to SAP Datasphere
Sample Screens Generated In SAC
The InFocus SAP Datasphere Readiness Assessment is anchored by a dashboard which offers a comprehensive view of the landscape. The dashboard helps users gain valuable insights on their SAP BW environment. The Overview Screen serves as a centralized hub, presenting a detailed inventory of standard and custom objects ranging from data sources to ETL components, modeling, and reporting artifacts. A key feature is the Object Usage Aging Report, which provides a historical perspective on how SAP BW Objects have been utilized over time. This data empowers customers with the ability to make informed decisions about retiring unused objects, optimizing the system, and reducing unnecessary overhead.
The dashboard offers more than a list of objects. It offers a deeper dive into the specifics of Currency & Unit Conversion within queries and transformations—valuable detail for an enterprise considering a migration from SAP BW to Datasphere using the BW Bridge Tool.
The SAP BW Artifacts Section of the dashboard facilitates yet deeper understanding via the Complexity Categorization Report. This report classifies SAP BW artifacts as Simple, Average, or Complex, providing an easy-to-reference roadmap for the migration process. Prepared with the Complexity Categorization Report, the enterprise can more fully estimate effort and resources required for a successful transition, thus enabling better project planning and execution.
Integration of readiness functionality with SAP SAC steps users toward enhancing customer convenience, simplifying processes, and fostering efficiency leveraging BTP.
Jumpstart Cloud Migration with InFocus and BTP
The InFocus SAP Datasphere Readiness Assessment, your first step toward alignment for BTP implementation, is offered in two tiers. To begin, a 5-day topline assessment can be conducted by Sierra free of charge or obligation. Complex and/or large-scale data environments may require deeper analysis (either after or in lieu of the 5-day starter pack). Both tiers are performed remotely without interruption to live data. Contact Sierra for a quote: sales@sierradigitalinc.com.
About The Author: Kaviarasan (Kavi) Thangarasu is a BI Architect with extensive experience designing, describing, and managing solution engineering matched to specific business problems. Immersed in SAP IT solutions for over a decade, Kavi mentors customers who seek to bridge the gap between technology and business leveraging automation and integration practices that unlock hidden business worth.

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