The Shot Heard ‘Round the Business World: A BTP Revolution

In 1773, The Boston Tea Party touched off the American Revolution, upending the world’s accepted political order. Now, another "BTP" -- SAP's Business Technology Platform -- is challenging earth's digital order with the same "revolutionary" effect as its namesake of 250 years ago.
The Call to Arms
Traditional development, including the rigorous and time-consuming customization of core systems code, held businesses for the past 50 years in clunky, immobilizing chains. Digital enterprise landscapes of old were bound by long and costly development cycles that taxed enterprises with multi-million-dollar budgets for ongoing maintenance and upkeep, draining IT departments of time and labor.
The same way the British Empire taxed American tea, spoiling a luxury with obligation and inaccessibility, traditional custom-code development cycles have spoiled productivity-enhancing technologies with obligations and expense.
Bob Sakalas, long-time leader in tech-thought and SAP Evangelist, says “Most businesses should be looking to simplify their digital landscape and make themselves more future-ready. Complexity slows progress, creates silos, and halts data-driven intelligence."
The BTP of today is revolutionizing how we think about custom development just as meaningfully as the patriots once revolutionized the concept of self-governance.
The Revolution is At Hand
Now, SAP, Sierra Digital, are coaching enterprise customers in key industries to fight for digital freedom.
Armed with Assessment Packs that ready an enterprise to glean cloud advantage from BTP, Sierra Digital is leading the battle toward the promised land of low-code/no-code development as a full-on replacement of yesterday's code customization development model. Sierra’s Assessments outline all the individual steps towards BTP Readiness, making custom-code-conversion easy.
And with BTP, the development community declares independence from restrictive processes, announcing a gold-rush of use case opportunities. Our developers are now empowered by BTP to create and innovate quickly with minimal resources – just like the scrappy revolutionary fighters who redefined the rules of warfare.
With BTP’s low-code/no-code functionality, Sierra developers can rapidly enhance the SAP ecosystem with new innovations at the task group level. Making the user experience simpler. Making productivity soar.
Existing App Frameworks, like the Ohzone suite pioneered by Sierra, can be rapidly tailored to enterprise processes, bypassing the lengthy, made-from-scratch methods of traditional development cycles. At Sierra, flexible App Frameworks can be fitted to an enterprise’s existing systems in as little as six weeks, and in this new, rapid development cycle, millions of dollars can be saved.
The Business Technology Platform combines database, analytics, automation, application development, and intelligent technologies on one, simple cloud platform-as-a-service. This unified foundation liberates businesses from sprawling and disjointed systems, with integration more seamless than the states united. Just as the colonists created a new form of governance for their young republic, BTP provides governance over previously disjointed business systems. Its integration hub and unified data models bring order and opportunity to complex digital landscapes.
SAP's Business Technology Platform is revolutionary; it enhances, extends, and simplifies the SAP experience. And through BTP, the empire of old enterprise software has been overthrown. SAP's Business Technology Platform is the Declaration of IT Independence for the modern enterprise. Rally to the cause and reach out to Sierra. We’re accepting new recruits daily.
About the Author: Jacob Harris fears not the dangers of technology; he’s never known a world without them. One of many recent staff additions @ TeamSierra, he is emblematic of fresh and amazing talent flocking in the direction of innovations pioneered here. By day, he’s a full-time writer in the thriving SAP ecosystem; by night he’s pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing at The University of Houston, one of the premiere post-graduate programs of its kind.
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